Atlantis, the People of Light

Atlantis, the People of Light


National University of Arts in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Direction and Art Directorz

Plaster, stucco, wire, foam, textiles, sequins, latex, clay, acrylic paint and makeup


In this Project Morazul was the Director, created the concept and developed all the Art; she worked with a Colombian photographer called Sebastian Diaz. Morazul is a person who is very vinculated with her dream world. She currently has fantastic dreams of ‘the past”, “the future”, other races, other lives and civilizations… She uses all that oneiric world and symbolism to channel and create Art that inspires people to live in a much more magical and cosmic reality. This creature is part of one of those dreams 🌈.

Atlantis, the People of Light
Atlantis, the People of Light
Atlantis, the People of Light