A selection of the best Projects in which Morazul has participated. She works with Art Galleries, Art Festivals, Organizations, Brands, Personal Projects and Public or Private Clients. As a Transdisciplinary Artist, you will find a mix between Street Art, Visual Arts, Performance Art, Costume Design, Installations, Dance, Interactive Art, Artistic Makeup, Graffiti, Circuit Art, the creation of Multi-Sensory Experiences and other disciplines. She is venturing into Audio Visual productions of her artistic creations and on Animation pieces. For her there are no limits in the materials and places for the artistic creation to develop. In her Surrealist Tropical style and her Cosmic Visionary Art, her work is constantly evolving by creating new artistic proposals. She uses different techniques from different fields of knowledge, by mixing them they mutate, creating new techniques that she develops as a pioneer. 


Morazul’s artwork emerges from a multi-dimensional, quantic, cosmic, spiritual and esoteric vision of all existence. She is inspired by her personal history, her experience as a woman who inhabits this society, in her way of doing Alchemy in her own process of evolution, in what happens in the environment that surrounds her and in her vision of life.She also creates channeled artworks for people who request them and in her own projects. 


Morazul talks about the Revolution of Divine Consciousness, the Power of Femininity, The Cosmic Unity, Love, Peace and Freedom among other transcendental and empowering subjects of life. With her creations she is always reaching new places around the world with the intention that whoever resonates with them will be inspired to connect with their True Essence and Inner Power. May they reflect, feel, play, empower and transform themselves to be able to do Alchemy in their own path.

💜 Feel free to enjoy her colorful and magical world 💜.